Cave Tools, Meat Tenderizer Mallet

Cave Tools, Meat Tenderizer Mallet

There are certain recipes that require thin or consistent thickness meat. The meat tenderizer mallet is a cook’s tool designed for this purpose.

Cave Tools Meat Tenderizer Mallet

Cave Tools Meat Tenderizer Mallet

Cave Tools is a line of high quality barbecue and cooking tools. Michael “Medium Rare” O’Donnell founded the company in 2013. I was provided with their meat tenderizer mallet and asked to give it a try.

The meat tenderizer mallet is a cook’s tool designed for  thinning or tenderizing meat.

The meat tenderizer mallet is a cook’s tool designed for thinning or tenderizing meat.

The tool serves dual purposes. You use the smooth side to flatten the thickest part of meats or seafood so it is the same thickness as the edges. This way when it cooks it will do so evenly and avoid dryness of the thinner edges. You use the toothed surface to pound cheaper, tougher cuts of meat to break up the meat’s fibers to make it tenderer.

The tool serves dual purposes, depending on which side of the head you use.

The tool serves dual purposes, depending on which side of the head you use.

I gave the tool a try with some boneless, skinless chicken breasts that I would be grilling later. Before flattening and tenderizing the meat, cover it on both sides with plastic wrap.

Chicken breasts before using the meat tenderizer mallet.

Chicken breasts before using the meat tenderizer mallet.

I like several feature of the tool, especially the rubber-gripped handle – perfect for someone like me who has small hands. Also, the tool’s weight was perfect for getting the job done easily. I will definitely use it when making my chicken piccata recipe (so good you’ll want to lick the plate), where having thin chicken is a necessity!

Chicken breasts after using the meat tenderizer mallet.

Chicken breasts after using the meat tenderizer mallet.

As for my grilled chicken, it worked perfect! After pounding and tenderizing the chicken, I drizzled it lightly with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then I sprinkled them with freshly picked rosemary and chives that I chopped finely. They grill up quickly and are very flavorful.

Thinned chicken breasts are perfect for grilling!

Thinned chicken breasts are perfect for grilling!

The Cave Tool meat tenderizer mallet is made out of stainless steel and is dishwasher safe. Cave Tools are sold online at their website. Currently, the meat tenderizer mallet is on sale for $9.99. The feedback of thousands of end users helped design this line of tools.


Do you have any recipes that call for thinly pounded meats, which would be perfect for a meat tenderizer mallet?

What’s your favorite cook’s tool?


Disclaimer:  While I was provided with a complimentary sample of Cave Tools Meat Tenderizer Mallet, the opinions and views expressed above are my own and describe my personal experience.

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